Our sommelier, ambassador of Canarian wines

July 9, 2024

Canarian wines have a lot of personality and character and are very diverse from one another. These qualities can also be applied to the gastronomy of the Islands. The variety of grape types, the volcanic soil, and the local winemakers have meant that the islands can boast of their outstanding productions.

The different international recognitions and the various designations of origin show the potential behind these crops. The quality of our wines is so unique and diverse that they form a fundamental part of the Donaire winery. 

All of this is personalized in the figure of Paula Rojas, our sommelier. She will be your guide through our careful selection of wines.

Our sommelier highlights the particularities of Canarian wines

Indeed, the wines of the Canary Islands are characterized by their authenticity, distinguished quality, and originality.

Her brilliant career as enoplogist has established her as the Donaire’s ambassador for local and international flavors. Even reputable chefs and expert sommeliers have repeatedly commended these wines’ particularity.

Paula knows how to select the local wines that best enhance the flavors of the dishes prepared by our chefs, which results, without a doubt, in a perfect gastronomic pairing. However, achieving the ideal selection of wines that integrate the distinguished menu of our restaurant takes work. 

Our sommelier Paula Rojas can attest to this, who created a local wine list awarded in the XIX Edition of the Regional Wine List Contest for Hospitality, Restaurants, and Specialized Stores.

Their Canarian wines stand out for being dynamic, clean, and easy to understand for all lovers of good wine. Our sommelier’s outstanding career in enology allows us to offer an exceptional gastronomic experience in Tenerife. We are sure that you will enjoy the best wines on Donaire nights.

Unique qualities of a good sommelier

Betting on local products, including the wines that make up our winery, has always been a priority at Donaire. We have a wide variety of wines with designation of origin.

Offering a quality experience with wines made in the Canary Islands allows us to enhance flavors in our tasting menus. 

Our sommelier Paula’s importance lies in the complete experience we offer at the restaurant. Her knowledge, experience, and passion allow us to combine excellence with values ​​such as deep roots in local culture and sustainability.

  • Its staging and clear explanation of the wine offering are essential for the diner.
  • Her outstanding knowledge of the Canary product emphasizes Donaire’s positioning as a leading restaurant in the Canary Islands.
  • Their wines pay great tribute to local raw materials that allow the selection of innovative dishes.
  • Their good taste, extensive knowledge of enology, and refined sensory skills allow the diner to enjoy and notice the nuances of each selected wine.

Our renowned sommelier, Paula Rojas, selects local wines that perfectly complement our restaurant’s gastronomic proposal. It is essential to try a wine to verify its authenticity. Reserve a table with us and pay tribute to your palate.